If you’re reading this blog then that means you feel like you are stuck in the cycle of work-from-home fatigue. in my previous blog here I talked about 7 signs of work-from-home fatigue, if you want to validate or know if you really are experiencing it, then I encourage you to read it.
It may be hard to believe, but there are actually eight ways that you can counter work from home fatigue. This blog post will go over the 8 most effective ways for combating this issue with tips on how to stay energized and productive while working from home. In addition, we’ll also cover some of the best methods for avoiding work-from-home fatigue in the first place!
1. Less motivated to do anything.
Jeremy Harrison, Founder of Hustle Life says: “To counter lapses in motivation, you need to pace yourself. Don’t second guess yourself by always redoing your reports. Once or twice is more than enough. Be confident and don’t go over it a third time. Set a time for you to start and stop work. Stick to it by turning off your laptop and avoid those one last look. Lastly, when you have set a routine, things will go back to normal, and motivation will be natural. One thing to remember is that burnout comes and goes. So better watch out for the signs and start your counter-measures once you feel it coming.”
2. Having a hard time maintaining a sleep pattern.
Eliminate blue light (aka screens) at least an hour before bedtime, keep your phone and computer out of the bedroom as a best practice, and prioritize your sleep routine. If you can’t sleep, read a book (not an e-book) or grab a pen and write something.
3. Trying so hard to focus but ended up doing nothing.
To combat morning tiredness, what I usually do is to set up morning tasks with deadlines so I can go into dynamic mode almost immediately. Even if I don’t have to, make a difficult start since it will set the tone for the rest of your day.
For my mornings at the home office, I frequently use the Pomodoro approach, this is a time management system that encourages people to work with the time they have—rather than against it. Using this method, you break your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks. in 80 minutes you were able to rest for 15-20 minutes without you noticing it!
4. Making mistakes
Taking brief pauses throughout the day might help you stay focused on the subject at hand and prevent your concentration from drifting. As mentioned, I highly recommend the Pomodoro Approach. There are lots of youtube videos that can help assist you with this method. One of my favorite YouTube channel is this.
5. Feeling distant
One of the best aspects of working is the constant opportunities to engage with people who aren’t necessarily in our close network. The office coffee bar allows us to run into coworkers, keep connected, and maintain relationships with folks we don’t necessarily encounter in our daily activities. To get in touch use IM, Slack, texts, or other methods to reach out and interact in new ways. This may appear uncommon at first, but keep in mind that others are certainly experiencing the same anxiety you are. It will become easier, and you will develop new habits that will keep you linked. Building a relationship must be intentional.
6. Struggling to make a decision
Make a list of things you need to decide on first thing in the morning. Some of these may be straightforward, such as “Approve the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting with David.” Some of these may be more difficult. Put the most difficult ones at the top of your list and finish them first to clear the way. You can go back and ask for additional information, or if you’re in a hurry, you can ask for extra time.
7. You feel weirdly irritated with many things
Movement is beneficial to your health and well-being. The fact that you aren’t moving around your company’s campus or from one customer site to the next may be adding to your weariness. The solution: stand up and move around during meetings. To get another cup of tea, stand up, seat down, or go to the kitchen. Micro breaks, such as doing a few jumping jacks or walking around the couch a few times, may also be beneficial. “Your next posture is your best posture”
Working from home is difficult for a variety of reasons. However, having as much control over your job as possible and maintaining your procedures by learning new technology may help you stay calm and productive. Maintain contact with pals and incorporate healthful diversions. Keep things in perspective and allow yourself to prioritize information flow. Concentrate on the people around you and keep moving. Things may be difficult right now, but the difficulties will pass, and we will return to a new normal with—ideally—a lot of new learning and more flexibility.